5 Ingenious Ways to Turn Your Jewellery into Amazing Accessories that will Take Your Outfit to the Next Level!

5 Ingenious Ways to Turn Your Jewellery into Amazing Accessories that will Take Your Outfit to the Next Level!
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Do you want to get into accessorising more but don’t know where to start?

Do you feel creatively blocked with your jewellery collection?

If you answered either of these questions with a yes… don’t worry! I have just the tips for you to feel inspired!

~To be honest, I am a little late to the game when it comes to jewellery. I never liked to wear jewellery as a teenager and even into my adult years. It’s only been the last 2 years that I’ve been growing my collection and experimenting with what I have!~

~I say this because I don’t want you to think you need to have a huge collection of jewellery to be able to create the accessories of your dreams! Once you’re open minded, you can create anything out of really anything!~

I’m going to be showing you that all you really need is creativity and you can never run out of ways to turn your jewellery into accessories that will take your entire outfit to the next level!

1 – Bracelets into Necklaces?

This is a super simple tip to turn jewellery into other accessories, but it also can have amazing results! I find sometimes that bracelets can be so beautifully ornate, and it can be so frustrating to never find a necklace equivalent.

So I picked up this trick where you just clip another necklace (preferably a plain chain) to the bracelet using the hook fasteners on both items and wrap that around your neck until you get your desired length. Then just close the clasp and you have a gorgeous necklace! It’s so great to make your jewellery so versatile!

2 – Necklaces into Bracelets?

This is the other side to the previous accessorising coin! If we can turn bracelets into necklaces… why not try it the other way round?

All we need to do is wrap the necklace around our wrist as many times as is necessary to get to the clasp. A tip I’ve picked up is if it doesn’t work for your wrist, try it as an arm cuff? Or even try it as an anklet! Of course, how many times you’re able to wrap your necklace around your arm/wrist/ankle will depend on your necklace length. I would suggest choker type necklaces for your wrists and longer necklaces would work better as an arm cuff.

3 – Necklaces into Belts?

Another great way to get use out of your long necklaces is to actually wear them around your waist or hips as a belt accessory!

I have found so many gorgeous necklaces while thrifting that I knew would be amazing as a belt as well! All you have to do wrap it around your hips/waist and fasten it closed! You may need to fasten it at the end of the chain depending on your necklace length.

4 – Necklace Pendants into Brooches?

Another super simple way to add accessories is to create your own with what you already have!

If you have a necklace pendant that you love but don’t wear as often as you’d like… make it into a brooch! All you have to do is find a safety pin and slide the safety pin through the necklace chain hole and then just pin it to your clothes and there you have it! I love to wear brooches to add a pop of colour to my outfits or you can also use them to create asymmetrical shapes with your clothes!

5 – Rings into Scarf Accessories?

The last tip for how to use your jewellery as accessories is to use your rings to create gorgeous accessories with scarves!

If you have a really striking ring with a gorgeous design, why not thread a scarf through it and wear it on over your shoulder? This will showcase the ring as well as create a really gorgeous and interesting accessory that will take your outfit to the next level and add some drama! You can even stack your rings on your scarf and tie that around your waist/hips for an even more detailed belt design!

It’s honestly so crazy how many uses our jewellery can have if we can see the potential! I hope this has opened your eyes a little to the potential of our accessories and our jewellery and maybe you can come up with different ways to wear your jewellery!

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