4 Tips for How to Have Fun while Styling Yourself!

4 Tips for How to Have Fun while Styling Yourself!

Do you feel creatively blocked when it comes to styling yourself?

Do you often struggle to put outfits together that you’re happy with?

If you answered yes to either of these questions… Don’t Worry! I’ve got you covered!

The very first thing to remember is that patience is indeed a virtue and Rome wasn’t built in a day. So just be patient with yourself and keep a mindset of play and experimentation and you’ll be golden!

Onto the 4 tips for how to have fun while styling yourself!

1 – Keep it fun!

The very first tip for having more fun while styling yourself is to keep it fun! The best way I’ve been able to keep it super fun for myself is to give myself challenges. For example, it becomes really hard to figure out what colours I want to pair off or what silhouettes I want to experiment with. This all becomes a lot

It can feel really overwhelming trying to fit all of your ideas into one outfit and sometimes I have no idea even where to start! But the best way I’ve found to avoid getting overwhelmed is to create fun challenges for yourself!

For example, I have challenged myself to style my clothes and do my makeup in monochrome colours! That way, I have a limited amount of clothes I can choose from which makes me more creative and way less overwhelmed!

To date, I have styled the colours; Pink, Blue, Red, Purple and I’m going to be styling Green and Orange soon! If you don’t have enough colour in your wardrobe, I recommend adding filler colours (shades) like black and white as It’ll help to flesh out the outfits if you don’t have enough of one colour.

The main point for this tip is to keep it fun and playful. That’s where the most exciting innovations are made, in play!

And who ever said dressing yourself shouldn’t be fun!

2 – Keep an Open Mind!

The second tip for having more fun while styling yourself is to keep an open mind. Having an open mind when styling an outfit is so important! It helps you to trust the process where before you might have cut your creativity short due to a worry that it won’t work. I like to think of styling like a bunch of trial and error, seeing what works and what might need a tweak…

If you think of all of the amazing fashion designers out there, do you think they got it perfect the first time? The answer is obviously a no.

If you ever have an idea that you want to try but are scared it won’t work out, what’s the harm in trying? Who knows, it could work perfectly! Or you might need to add something else into the mix and then it’ll work perfectly!

3 – Trust Yourself and Your Creativity!

The third tip for having more fun while styling yourself is to trust in yourself and your creative potential. I am a firm believer that we all have untapped creativity and once you’ve found the key to unlocking yours, it really becomes endless!

The only way I’ve found to unlock my creativity is to play around with it. If you get an idea about styling a top in a different way… lean into it! It may seem scary not knowing what the outcome could be or being worried people will wonder what you’re wearing. But this is where trusting in yourself comes in.

Trust in yourself that your own creativity won’t let you down, trust that you know yourself better than the random people on the street and trust that your creativity will help you to expand your ideas from the standardised dressing ideas of the time.

Once you have gained the trust in yourself, you won’t believe the confidence you’ll have! It’s so freeing when you realise the only person who gets a say in how you express yourself outwardly is…. YOU!

I don’t want you to worry if you’re thinking I’m telling you that you need to dress like Lady Gaga in the 2010s! I’m not lol! But if that’s where your creativity leads you then that’s obviously something you’re interested in.

However, for the most part, I just want you to become more aligned with your playful and creative side as that’s the side where innovation and experimentation happens. And as we all know, experimentation and innovation lead to amazing things!

4 – Failure is a Choice!

The fourth tip for having more fun while styling yourself is to remember that there are no failures. There’s only room for experimentation. I know what it’s like to try something out and when it doesn’t work, you feel so deflated, and it can be hard to get back on the horse. But it’s so important to remember that sometimes things aren’t meant to work the first time. Maybe you’re meant to work at it until it finally works, and you may have discovered something amazing along the way! Or maybe the journey will help to inspire you to do another more amazing project!

We need to frame our minds in terms of experimentation and creative freedom rather than success and failures. One person’s failure might be another’s success! The best discoveries in life happened because the inventors didn’t give up when it didn’t work the first time (or even the hundreds of times after that) but they kept at it and eventually it clicked into place!

I’ve come to think of failure as a choice. Once you’ve chosen to give up; then you’ve failed.

So go out there and try wearing your skirts as a shawl! Try turning your long sleeve tops into one shoulder tops! Experiment with your jewellery! I have a whole other post showing you exactly how you can turn your jewellery into so many other accessories!

Just click on the image below to check it out!

Let’s put these tips together:

1 – Keep it fun! Play around with yourself and see what you can come up with! Set up fun challenges for yourself if you get easily overwhelmed.

2 – Keep your mind open! An open mindset will lead you so much further than a closed one (that will keep you at the door).

3 – Trust in your awesome self and your creativity! You’ll never know your potential until you experiment with your creativity!

4 – Remember failure is a choice. If you can keep on trying and experimenting, you’re going to be getting closer to the “success” you were after!

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