5 Clear Tips for How to become More Naturally Confident!

5 Clear Tips for How to become More Naturally Confident!

First of all, what is confidence?

“Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself.”

Being confident may seem like a difficult thing to learn but to my mind, it’s the simplest thing to teach! I believe that all of us on this earth should be afforded the right to discover our true selves and continuously work on our creative passions! I also believe that as confidence is an attitude, you can easily learn to adopt it just by getting to know and understand yourself better!

Just think about it, if you have become your true and authentic self, why would you ever need to fake anything? Your confidence will shine like a beacon and everyone you encounter will know that you are being the most authentic you possible! It can be really hard to know what’s real and what’s fake in today’s world but that is all background noise that we need to let go of and focus internally for the answers we seek in the world. As Aristotle says, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”.

1 – Realise your own Individual Worth.

The very first tip for gaining self confidence is that everything and everyone on this earth are entwined together and we all hold the same worth at the end of the day. We are also a part of the eco-system. We need to stop putting ourselves in different boxes than the rest of the natural world because we are a part of it. We are made of the same materials just like everything else. When you’re able to realise your connection to the world again, it really helps to put things into perspective about what is important in the world and what isn’t.

Having confidence for me is feeling free enough to be able to present myself however I desire and that includes my outfits, my makeup, my personality etc.I feel that I should be able to be authentically myself because I am only being what I was made to be. You never see animals have crises about what they want to do with their lives or they don’t think they’re pretty enough; those things don’t matter in reality. You only have one life so you better make it a great one because you’re the only one that can make it whatever you want it to be. And if you want to be as confident as people you see in your life or on social media etc just remember that you are as worthy of self love and confidence as anyone else!

2 – Keep Everyone Else’s Worth in Mind

The next tip for gaining more self-confidence is to remember the true worth of the people around you. . If you want to be more confident but you judge others for being themselves; how can you expect others not to judge you? You put in what you get out and that also means energy. If you want the world around you to accept and celebrate you then you need to invite and attract that kind of energy into your life and that can only happen when you live it.

The best way to circumvent this in my opinion is to give other people’s opinions no residence in your mind. They are entitled to their opinions as is everyone else but that doesn’t mean you have to listen or give it anymore thought than it deserves. When you’re able to let go of how people are going to feel or think about you then that leaves you open to express yourself however you personally desire and this will only grow once you are able to be the true expression of yourself.

A confident woman who is amazing!
Do you think she cares what people think of her?
I didn’t think so!

3 – Take Competition Out of the Equation

The third tip for gaining more self-confidence naturally is to block out “competition”. Competition can be a good thing when it allows you to improve but a lot of the time competition is just jealousy with a different branding. If you are focused more on what others are doing or if you get caught up in the comparison game; you are harming not only your own mental health but also your creativity. Your creativity is probably the most unique thing about you, and it can’t thrive when you compare it to anyone else’s creativity because they can never be the same!

I am a firm believer that creativity is where true self-confidence begins. I say that because your creativity is the part of you that can create and innovate and help you to get excited about things. When we’re aligned with our creativity, it will give us joy and innovation etc. that will help us to become more confident in our abilities and will also help us to have belief in ourselves! This is all leading to you being authentically yourself and the confidence will ooze out when you are being who you truly are! “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” as Aristotle says.

4 – Fake It Till You Make It!

The fourth tip for gaining more self-confidence is to remember that confidence is an attitude and we can all have an attitude! I’m sure we’ve all heard that saying before but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still work! I’m going to say that my confidence is 60% unapologetic self-expression and 40% faking it! What really helps me is to think of life as being not that serious as I believe there’s no reason to take everything seriously if you don’t have to. Don’t think that just because you don’t feel 100% confident yet that you can’t act 100% confident!

The best ways to feel confident is to remember that anyone you have ever looked up to or admired has felt the same way as you, but they decided to let go of those feelings that didn’t serve them and they flourished! That can be you too! Don’t think about faking confidence as “acting fake”. The only people that deserve to be called “fake” are the people who act confidently in order to make others feel inferior or they have a malicious motive behind it. If that’s not you then you have nothing to worry about!

Another confident woman!
Would you say she needs to fake anything? I wouldn’t! Her confidence is plain as day!

5 – Be Uniquely Yourself!

The last tip for gaining more confidence is to remember to be your unique self! Your own confidence will come when you align yourself with your own wants and desires. If you talk to any women in their 40s/50s and you ask them when they felt the most confident in their lives; their answers are usually that they feel the most confident right then and there! This ends up being the case because those women finally put all of the expectations of them aside and started living life just for themselves!

Unfortunately, it can sometimes take a while for people to realise their true passions in life and they only end up feeling authentically themselves way too late in the game! I’m hoping to foster that self-discovery in anyone who reads this so that they can live their authentic lives for as long as they can! Why else would we be alive if not for self-discovery and joy!

In the world today, it really should be impossible for people to feel inferior to others because we all have our own individual and unique qualities that make us different from everybody else. Instead of trying to put everyone in the same box, we should be celebrating the differences that make us unique!

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