5 Genius Tips and Tricks for Creating Spectacular Makeup Looks!

5 Genius Tips and Tricks for Creating Spectacular Makeup Looks!

1 – Don’t be afraid to be messy; everything can be fixed.

The first tip for creating spectacular makeup looks is to remember there are a lot of mistakes that add up to greatness! When you are creating your spectacular makeup looks the absolute worst thing you can do is get frustrated and overwhelmed.

I have found the best tip is to keep cotton buds at your side at all times and the best way to use them is to dip them in either water or some micellar water and the makeup mistakes will glide off! It’s so important to change your mindset from “mistakes” to opportunities to grow, mistakes aren’t inherently bad.

In fact it’s impossible to come out of life without making at least a million, but it’s become such a negative thing whereas I believe mistakes are just stepping stones in the right direction! For me, I like to see my life as a sort of experiment and I’m constantly trying out new things that sometimes fail and sometimes they don’t.

The only way for us as people to grow is by making mistakes, how do we think all of the inventions we have today were created, I’m sure we’ve all heard that it took Thomas Edison 2774 tries until he created the incandescent lightbulb. As the story goes Thomas Edison then said that instead of failing, he had successfully found 2774 ways that it would not work. The message I’m trying to convey is that mistakes are necessary and who knows what inspiration you will get from your mistakes!

2 – The makeup base is very important.

The next tip for creating spectacular makeup looks is to ensure you have a good base and in fact your whole makeup look’s success can rely on having a good base. Now I don’t want you to think you have to go out and buy some really expensive primers etc. I have found that what works the best for me is simply, moisturiser! I just make sure to apply some moisturiser to my eyelids 10 mins before I begin my look and that will ensure the lotion has absorbed into my skin and won’t leave me with wet and dry patches.

Now, this works for me because I have really dry skin, but if you need something more robust than moisturiser then I would recommend you try some concealer as your base and let it dry first otherwise it’ll mix and make the colours duller and muddier. This is where knowing your skin type would be helpful but if you’re not sure then just start experimenting and see what works best for you!

I would recommend you experiment with lotions if you want a low cost base but please be aware that the skin around your eyes is the most sensitive of anywhere so ensure the lotion is not heavily fragranced as that is an irritant. I myself use my night time moisturiser as it is thick enough to hydrate my skin but it also gets absorbed really quickly and has no fragrance.

3 – Layering is going to be your best friend!

The third tip for creating spectacular makeup looks is to layer and then layer again! I find that the key to a really striking look is to make sure you are adding more depth and colour through layering! What I mean by this is, for example, if you are starting off with a pink shadow on your lid, but you feel like something is missing, try adding a complimentary colour to your outer corner, or even right in the center of your eye.

Personally, I like to mix yellows, oranges, and pinks on my eyelids as I really enjoy the colour cohesion, but you can choose any colours that speak to you! When I add more layers to the look it turns out so much more vibrant as the colours work off of each other and create something truly spectacular!

4 – Let your creativity be your guide!

The absolute best way to create the most spectacular makeup looks is to let your creativity lead the way! This will ensure that you have the most original looks as well as ensuring that you have the most fun! You will be amazed at what you’re able to create when you put your mind to it! I think the biggest lie of the century is that you shouldn’t rely on yourself for inspiration and creativity but rather that we should follow trends that only work for a small chosen few people. I find that once you can rely on yourself for your creative needs and inspiration you will become so much more confident within yourself as well as within your abilities!

Personally, I only really started experimenting with what I like to wear and put on my eyes about 3 years ago and since then I have come to know myself so much better and I am so much more at peace! Being at peace is so hard to do in the world today when so much is going wrong and so many are suffering but I am always grateful that I know myself and I can count on myself if I ever need to.

5 – The last tip is to keep yourself in mind.

The last tip to create the most spectacular makeup looks is to always keep yourself in mind. This is a similar tip to the previous one but its so important to make a note of what you like and what you don’t like. Once you have an idea of what makes you the happiest and you can create looks that make you happiest; you will become your own “brand” in a way. For example, if you realise through your experimentation that you really love having a pop of red in your inner corner and you like to add it in every makeup look you do, then the people around you will come to recognise that this a “trademark” of your makeup style and it will become synonymous with you!

I find that to be such an amazing thing; to be remembered by others for what you love and what works for you! It also works both ways; what works for you won’t work for everyone else, and it shouldn’t because you have uniquely different features to everyone in the world. You need to make it your mission to figure out how you want to showcase your features in a way that excites you! Life is too short to go through it hiding your beautiful self!

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