A little about me

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Hello there and Welcome to my Blog!

First of all; my name is Rebekah Picolo-Donnelly, and I am a passionate and creative 24-year-old trying to find her way through the world!

I was born and grew up in South Africa until my family and I moved to the Netherlands when I was 13 years old. We lived there for about year and a half until we moved again for the last time to Northern Ireland where I still currently reside with my Husband, Tom. Due to my very tumultuous childhood I found it really difficult to figure out my own identity; I had left South Africa so young that I wasn’t familiar with my own culture and all of the friends I had made during my life there lost contact with me and moved on with their lives. This felt to me, like I had no more lifelines to the South African identity I once had. This left me feeling completely apart from the world; I almost felt like I didn’t have a “home” or I didn’t belong anywhere.

After all this, I went on to complete a Forensic Psychology degree in Manchester (UK) and I found my husband the very first day of Uni because he was one of my Flatmates! It took me almost 3 more years for me to start to understand what I actually liked and what I wasn’t willing to tolerate; and I’m glad to report that today I am at peace with myself and as happy as I’ve ever been!

The reason I’m telling you all this, is because I want everyone out there to know that it doesn’t matter where you come from or how you identify; there is always room for you and us. I am a firm believer that when you can express yourself creatively and authentically there is nothing that can stop you; you’re only hindered by the limitations you put on yourself. If you are on the journey of self-discovery or you’re trying to be more accepting of yourself; I hope to create a beautiful and creative community of people where we can support each other and have a lot of fun! So if that’s you; stick around and who knows what we can achieve!

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